ESG Report(May, 2021)
Initiatives for
a recycling-oriented society
- Promote the use of finite resources through business expansion.
- Promote 4R business
- ・Parts Recycling business
- ・Reuse business
- ・Reduce business
- ・Repair business
Initiatives for
a carbon-free society
- Reduce CO2 emissions through the sale of recycled automobile parts.
* This is equal to the amount of CO2 absorbed by cedar trees in an area equivalent to about 10 Tokyo Domes per year. - Promote the spread of solar power generation
(eco credit) - Initiatives to go paperless
- Declaring support for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations.
- Promoting the spread of EVs.
Social capital
- Protect of customer data and privacy appropriately
- Provide service in accordance with the appropriate sales process.
Human capital
- Foster employee job satisfaction and enhance the human resource development system.
- Focus on the health and safety of your employees.
Risk management
- Establish a Group Risk Management Committee to
analyze/understand and appropriately manage
risks facing the Group, including overseas Group
companies - Formulate a business continuity plan (BCP) and
establish, practice, and review operating
procedures that minimize damage during
emergencies and enable the continuity and quick
recovery of our core businesses - Established the Sustainability Committee to respond to climate change and achieve sustainable growth
Promote compliance
- Conduct various training, such as instruction in the
protection of personal information and prevention of
insider trading, to promote autonomous action based
on the Code of Conduct - Formulate and strictly enforce the Policy
Concerning Elimination of Antisocial Forces
Executive personnel
- Establish a non-statutory Nomination and
Compensation Committee, a majority of whose
members are independent outside directors - Introduce a stock compensation plan to incentivize
sustainable enhancement of corporate value